The Camp Emmanuel Association
Medicine/Nurse Form: Camp Emmanuel 20__
Camper’s name______________________________________________________date of birth___________
Allergies (please include meds, food and others) Med, food and other Reactions
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We ____________________________ (parents name) give permission to the nurse that they can give this camper medication as needed (please mark the meds you are ok for the nurse to give. We will provide these meds.)
________Tylenol or acetaminophen 325 mg or 650mg every 4 hours for pain or fever
________ Advil or Ibuprofen 200 mg every 4 hours for pain or fever
________ Benadryl or diphenhydramine 25 mg every 4 hours for allergies, runny nose, sneezing,hives, insect bites or itchy skin
Please fill out med list on back of sheet even if you have pills in a pill box. Thanks
Name of Medication Dose When When When When As
1 or 2 tabs Break. Lunch Supper Bedtime Needed
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